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Plant Close-up by Les Picker: Agood example of an image from nature where Slickrock Silver shines. The simple subject with high detail is a consistent property of images I think work the best on this paper. It’s another example of many layers of increasing detail and texture that are a delight when looking at the print, but not required “all at once” for the photo to make sense.
Valves & Corrugated Steel by Les Picker: Take a look at the shadows cast by the valves in various areas of the print. In person they are all the same density. See how there’s almost no detail where the base is not reflecting the light while there’s clarity and amazing saturation where the base is at maximum reflection.
Fashion Portrait by Robert Boyer: This image works very well as it’s mostly monochrome, almost black and white with the intense red hair being the focal point, a lot of dark/light/dark/light transitions and extreme detail in the tulle mesh fabric.
Palm Abstract by Les Picker: This print looks like it’s carved out of metal in person. It’s a good example of an image with so much highlight to shadow variation across every part of the frame where that border base reference is not a requirement. It looks fantastic either way.
Autumn Aspens by Les Picker: This nature/landscape photograph has been looking for a home for quite a few years. After making the observation that light dark patterns are a good fit for Slickrock Silver I tried this image on a whim. The result is so stunning this is on the list for a 4ft x 6ft print that will be in Les' next show. In fact it may be the center piece of the show and has inspired what we hope to be a new project. To use an over-used term, this image really gives a 3D impression and elevates this image far beyond what it looks like on a computer screen.
Architecture by Lew Rothman: Similar in characteristics to the Palm Abstract and is mesmerizing printed on Slickrock Silver.
Stay tuned for some image specific case-studies where we will walk-thru every step of individual images to get get to a final print on Slickrock Silver for landscape, architectural, abstract, portrait, and travel photos.